Monday, July 13, 2009

July 2009 Update

It’s been a LONG time. I wasn’t sure if I had given up on this blog or not, but I’ve decided to keep it alive after all. I’m sure no one will think to check it, but after all, I’m writing for my own sake anyway. So, here I am.

Part of the reason I haven’t written is because life has been super stressful. We decided a year ago that it was time to start looking for a different job. This was inspired by many reasons that I suppose I won’t go into now. Our decision was strongly confirmed in prayer. To make a very long story short, I interviewed for several very good, promising jobs. I was a finalist for a few of them. We rode an emotional roller coaster just as we thought we were going to get a job, but then it didn’t happen. This happened several times. That has been such a trial of our faith! It’s so depressing to think you’ll get what amounts to a dream job, then have your hopes dashed.

I think the Lord knew we needed that trial. We have grown leaps and bounds the last year. When the economy tanked in the fall, we saw the amount of desirable jobs that I was eligible for dwindle to nearly non-existent. It was very discouraging. We have been so grateful that I have a job. However, it was very frustrating to continue to work most Sundays and to feel inactive at church. Additionally, with the economy, corporate cut labor hours to save money. I found myself doing the work of 3-4 people in less time than I had before. My pay decreased. It was a very stressful and trying time.

I recently applied for a position at Deseret Industries. For those who don’t know, Deseret Industries (DI) is an LDS Church-owned thrift store. One of the main purposes is to provide vocational rehabilitation to people who struggle in one way or another and help them build their skills so they can get work in the “real world.”

I applied as a Job Coach/Trainer, working one on one with these individuals and helping manage the store. I have never been through a more grueling interview process. The initial interview by phone lasted over an hour and a half. I was asked personal questions that really made me think. Then I went into a formal interview in the boardroom where I presented my case to 2 store managers and a supervisor from headquarters in Salt Lake. Again, I was asked very challenging and personal questions. I then met with one of the store managers in an informal “get to know you” session. I toured the store and he took me to lunch. Then, more waiting.

Well, I beat out 60 applicants and got the job. I'll work Wednesday at Walgreens and start Thursday at DI. What a relief! We feel so blessed. The Church offers better pay, much better benefits, a better work environment, and…wait for it…SUNDAYS OFF! YAY!

It didn’t take the bishop long to issue a calling. But, that’s an interesting story. I was working my last Sunday yesterday. ElGirlo was called by the Executive Secretary in the ward to meet with a member of the Bishopric. In our church, we have no paid clergy. The bishop and his counselors issue callings, as directed by the Spirit of the Lord, to members of the congregation to serve in various capacities. They asked to meet with both of us, but ElGirlo explained that I was at work. So they met with her first.

ElGirlo had been serving as a teacher (advisor) in the Young Women program. They informed her that it was time to reorganize the Young Women presidency and other advisors and leaders in the program. So she was released from her calling. They asked her to be the Assistant Ward Organist. She humbly accepted, but was so sad about leaving Young Women.

When a new calling is extended, the congregation is asked to sustain that individual with a vote signified by the raising of hands. So in the meeting that afternoon, ElGirlo was publicly released from Young Women and sustained as the new Assistant Ward Organist. She was bawling.

This is where it gets interesting. The bishopric called her back into their office after the meeting. They told her that when she stood to be sustained, they felt a very strong and urgent impression from the Holy Ghost that this calling was not right for her. Instead, they knew she should serve as the yet unfilled second counselor in the new young Women Presidency. Wow! Of course, she won’t be sustained until next week, so this isn’t public knowledge yet. A lot of people were so sad to see her go, and were crying on her shoulder, but she knows she’ll be right back in there. Kind of awkward…

At any rate, I was also called to meet with the bishopric. I came in after work and they called me to team teach the Gospel Doctrine class and to substitute in other Sunday School classes. I’ve done that before and really enjoyed it, so I’m looking forward to this. Now, whenever a church calling changes in my family, we write a poem. It’s just another weird, quirky thing we do. This is the poem:

No more excuses—my Sundays are free.
That’s why the bishopric interviewed me.
They spoke to my wife and gave her a calling.
While I was at work, she called me up bawling.
She wasn’t too thrilled to be leaving Young Womens.
She sniveled and whimpered like old Richard Simmons.
Assistant Ward Organist—that’s what they told her.
The ward raised their hands in a vote to uphold her.
The Spirit said: No! You’ve got it all wrong…
This isn’t the place where she will belong.
They called her back in after Sacrament meeting.
I guess her new calling was ever so fleeting.
Her time in Young Women was not really through…
The Lord wanted her to be Counselor Two.
The Bishopric knew it when she was sustained.
They broke her the news and she never complained.
She couldn’t say much, so she gave her goodbyes’s.
The day was just starting and full of surprises.
They then called me in when I came home from work.
I dreaded bad news like “You’re the Ward Clerk!”
But to my relief, that wasn’t the case.
They certainly saw the relief on my face.
It wasn’t Ward Clerk. Hallelujah! Alas,
They called me to teach Gospel Doctrine Class!

In other unrelated news, we’re getting a new addition to the ElFamilia. That’s right, ElGirlo’s expecting! We don’t know a gender yet, but ElBabyo is due just before Christmas.
That’s all for now. We have much to be thankful for. I’ll try to write more regularly.


Rochelleht said...

SOOO excited about the new job. Also glad for your new callings. Very fun! I think because of your poem, I dreamt last night that my calling was organist. I didn't know what I was doing!

Andy, Mary, Nate, Lizzie said...

Yay for ElBabyo! Congrats, congrats! :D